Every Ramadan, Muslims around the world rapidly from sunrise to sunset. Waking before dawn to devour suhoor, human beings refrain from ingesting or drinking whatever – a fasting period known as imsak. Then, when the sun goes down, buddies and their own families break speedily collectively over a meal referred to as iftar.


For visitors, things may be a touch unique. For example, in non-Muslim countries, humans continue to consume and drink throughout Ramadan, and finding halal food in a handy place when it is time to interrupt quickly can prove hard. And for all and sundry journeying on an aircraft, it could be puzzling to recognize whether you are meant to break fast or stop consuming – do you achieve this during the solar units in Dubai or wait until it goes down inside the area you’re flying over?

For Rashid Al Tamimi, senior ­presenter at Sheikh Mohammed Cultural Centre for Understanding in Dubai, these questions can be easily answered. “Today, it’s easy,” says the Emirati. “It’s now not like in my ­grandfather’s day. Back then, people used to journey by camel or even go quick distances, considering a large journey. For example, going from Dubai to Abu Dhabi took 3 to four days, so believe how organized everybody had to be if they have been fasting and touring.”

Be organized

“Nowadays, as travelers, it is straightforward. Religion is not a burden,” explains Tamimi. “When it involves fasting as a tourist, you just should perform little pre-making plans.

“You must be prepared, so carry a few dates with you while you move someplace new and p.C. A small bottle for water, simply so that you have something to break your speedy with irrespective of where you’re.”Up in the air

If you’re journeying by aircraft, most airlines in the Gulf will take the planning training session for your journey. As nicely as imparting in-flight iftars, many flights have on-display screen gear that travelers can use to locate prayer times in various places worldwide. Some airlines also provide Ramadan-themed TV ­programmes, music stations, and audio enjoyment.

“On Emirates, there’s also a space for worshipping,” says Tamimi. “The airline began this closing year, continuing across all cabin lessons. But even if you’re on a plane that doesn’t have this area, anyplace you are, you could continually worship out of your coronary heart and your head.”

Tamimi says travelers should comply with the rules and timings of whichever USA they travel closer to. “Let’s say we begin the day fasting in Dubai, but we’re flying out to Singapore, four hours ahead of the UAE. That means I will probably fast for four hours, much less because of the Singapore sundown timing. You ought to observe dawn and sunset in whatever United States you’re in. And in case you’re nevertheless in flight when it’s time to interrupt fast, the captain or crew will inform passengers that it’s time.
Make use of generation.

“Thanks to the technology we’ve got recently, it’s smooth to tour in Ramadan, even to non-Muslim nations. People can use apps to help them discover halal meals and set up prayer instances inside them. S. A. Then, they are in and even to discover the place of the closest mosque.”